When we hear the word "terrorism" or "terrorist" we people feel goose bumps rising on our skin. As for me, terrorism is an unforgivable crime where innocent lives are taken away. Some of the terrorists do die in some of the attacks and they don't gain anythink from there. Though, terrorism is man-made disaster,the destruction is simliar to one of the natural disasters which is like
Tusnami where nobody ever predicted or thought that this waves would bring along many lives with them ! Nobody can ever predict or know when terrorism would happen. They would hijack anything they want.They could not be nabbed very easily.That's the scariest part in Terrorism.
So, we people have to stay alert and cautious. The meaning of Terrorism is the international use or threat to use violence against civilians and non-combatants, in order to achieve political goals. In my opinion, Man eating a man for power is the worst thing in the world. Terrorists are audacious.
To our understanding, Terrorism is the most critical issue facing our world today. Every human being are holding their lives in their hands worried about what is going to happen next if terrorism continues. As for Singapore, we have good judgement system where goverment take full responsibilty to protect Singapore from terrorist attack.Our police are very alertive and they would manhunt for suspecting person very intensively. They are very MILITANT.We can see that our goverment is doing their part to prevent this from happening. As we know, when we take transport such as MRT, Buses,etc. we can see the posters or reminder saying that " If you look out for any suspicious looking object or person immidiately inform the police."
These are created by our goverment to ensure our safety. We have to do our part by helping them. In my point of view, I am worried that Sinagpore have a huge chance to be attacked by Terrorist, as Sinagpore is just an small island. Anything can happen anytime !
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